Free PCI
Why Becoming PCI
Compliant Matters
PCI Free provides free compliance solutions and resources. Merchants and business owners can save time and money with free PCI compliant merchant solutions.
If your business accepts or processes payment cards, it must comply with the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards). All businesses and merchants that store, process and or transmit card holder information are now required to be PCI compliant.
PCI DSS is a set of requirements for enhancing data security. This originally began as individual programs from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB. To facilitate the broad adoption of consistent data security measures Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB aligned their individual policies to release the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
Is PCI Compliance just another profit center for my merchant processor?
Many believe that the new PCI compliance standards are little more than new revenue stream for merchant processors. Most small business owners and merchants have little information about the process and as a result wind up paying inflated PCI compliance fees. Merchant processors have been charging up to 300.00. Completing a form is frequently all that is required for many merchants to meet the standards, charging small businesses $300.00 for nothing more than completing a form is excessive, to say the least.
Smart business owners become PCI Compliant
In today’s economy, merchants and small business owners are required to thoroughly evaluate operating costs, merchant processing fees is an area frequently overlooked. Evaluating and comparing merchant processing solutions including fees for services such as ours for your business can be well worth the time it takes and result in considerable savings for your company.
We think it's crazy
To pay for credit card association mandates.
That's why we made it FREE!
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